in advance of的用法与搭配
在…之前, 超过
1. 提前
2. 胜过
- Both sides sense a need to induce some continuity in advance of a transitional period .
- 中美双方都觉得,有必要在过渡期来临之前为双边关系注入一定的持续性。
- The study appears online oct. 7 in advance of publication in the november print issue ofthe lancet oncology .
- 这项研究发表10月7日提前在网上发表,其印刷版将会发表在柳叶刀11月肿瘤学版块。
- Women can purchase a special rider to cover the procedure in advance of a pregnancy .
- 妇女们可以再在怀孕前,可以购买一个特殊的流产保险。
- An aggressive merchandising campaign also provides good marketing in advance of a new release .
- 积极的商业开发推广活动还能在新唱片发行前提供良好的市场营销。
- Zambia 's government notified companies in advance of levy increases consulted them on the details and did not go beyond what is sustainable .
- 赞比亚政府在提高税率之前已经事先通知了那些外国矿业公司,并就一些细节进行了商议以确保不会影响其持续发展。
- A briefing paper from the european climate foundation shows that the pledges made in advance of copenhagen would not close it .
- 欧洲气候基金会(europeanclimatefoundation)的一份简报显示,各国在哥本哈根会议前所作的承诺不足以填补这一差距。
- But it reflects a growing fragmentation of japan 's political landscape in advance of upper-house elections in july .
- 但是这反映出即将在6月份举行的众议院选举之前日本正在分裂的政治景象。
- The agreement does allow signatories to delay reducing tariffs on products through negotiations but countries that wanted to do so were supposed to make the request months in advance of the january 1 2010 implementation date .
- 该协定确实允许签约国通过协商的方式推迟降低产品关税,但有此要求的国家应较2010年1月1日的实施日提前几个月提出请求。
- Arm in advance of a confrontation .
- 面对面地进行武装战斗。
- She walked 2 yards in advance of her husband .
- 她走在她丈夫前面两码远的地方。